Cafe Compose, 10 x 14", watercolour
This shows the rear of a lovely restaurant in Annapolis. It was the last of the paintings that I did on that Saturday. After I finished the painting and delivered it to the Legion for auction, Robert and I had a lovely meal there. It was a real treat to rest out of the sun and relax after a long day spent painting.

Morning Marsh, 5 x 7", watercolour, SOLD
This one was the first from Sunday. I struggled a bit with it. The light was changing quickly and I was painting tighter than I wanted to. I eventually got it so it said what I wanted it to say and then moved on to the wharf where I spent the rest of the day. I finished this one at 9:30 in the morning and wrapped up at 5 pm with another one of a similar subject, but handled more loosely.

Church Reflections, 10 x 7", watercolour, SOLD
When I arrived at the wharf the reflections were picture perfect and mirror like. The tide was just reaching full so a breeze sprang up quickly and spread bright stripes of blue ripple across the water. There were artists everywhere painting the river, the boats and the people around them. From where I was working I could see Wayne Boucher and David Lacey and was lucky enough to meet many lovely new painting aquaintances as well.
Please forgive the clips visible in the last two photos. That is what comes of operating a camera while the right brain is fully engaged!
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