June 30, 2009

Poppy paints a poppy

 This is a small painting (7 x 10") that I did from life of an oriental poppy which grew in my garden.  I wanted to capture the colours of these blossoms as I find that the shade of pink that I see is not the same shade of pink that the camera captures and reproduces.  I am glad that I did it when I did (mid June) because these blossoms are all gone for another year now.  Each season is so fleeting...
However, armed with this sketch for colour notes and some photos to use for the drawing, I hope to do a larger painting.   I have been wanting to paint these for years, and am very excited to finally get started.  I am working on another small one to get the composition right, I will post that too when I am happy with it.

June 4, 2009

painting time is scarce

Rowing, 9.5" x 13.5", watercolour, 2008 $325
Sick kids and extra work get in the way of painting sometimes.  Hopefully I will get a chance to post something new soon.  
In the meantime, here is the painting that took first place in watercolour at the Apple Blossom Art Show in Greenwood last week.