February 10, 2010

Wharf's End, Digby

Fishing Boat, Wharf's End, 5 x 7", watercolour, Feb 2010
Fishing Boat, Wharf's End II, 5 x 7", watercolor, Feb 2010 SOLD
In order to learn more about composition, I sometimes do several versions of the same scene. Here are three takes on the same view, a fishing boat moored at the end of the wharf, as seen from the main street in Digby. Each of these little paintings have bits that I think went especially well. If you have a particular favourite of the three, I would love to hear about it.


  1. You are right, all three have wonderful touches that make them special. If I had to choose, I think that # II pulls everything together with a nice balance.

  2. Thanks Vicki, I appreciate your thoughts and kind words.

  3. Tough choice! I like #II with the soft fog horizon and the sparkle on the water giving a nice balance
